ShadowMyths Decks for Dungeons & Dragons

Games always feel the same.
You have an infinite world of possibilities and ideas. However, everybody always plays the same game of having the King tell the players to rescue the town from giants, wizards, cults, etc. Why play the same game as everybody else? Give your players something unique and strange.

Players have memorized Monster Manual.
The monsters in the Monster Decks are unique and vastly different from your usual kobold, goblin, or orc. Along with the cards, you get the creature attributes, where they live and their lives, what it is like to talk to them, and what their combat preferences are.

Come up with new campaign ideas.
By laying the cards in random order, you can get an idea of what is going to happen to your players. Incorporate the traditional D&D monsters in the games, use the creatures in the Monster Deck, or use your own homebrewed creatures. The Story Deck helps you come up with situations and new ideas.
ShadowMyths Decks for Tarot & Oracle Readings

It’s about understanding yourself.
The knight in shining armor is not going to save you. Only you can do that. By understanding what you are going through, you can get a better idea of how to deal with it.

Bring yourself to the cards.
The images are semi-abstract and semi-realistic. This allows you to have an idea of what is going on but you bring your own thoughts and situations to the cards. You will see things in the card images that others won’t.

Book details all meanings and layouts.
The softcover or pdf book that comes with the deck has four specific layouts and information about how I view oracle/tarot readings. In addition, the 35 card deck comes in small size for easy transport or traditional oracle size.
ShadowMyths Decks for Writing Prompts

Life is boring if we are all the same!
So many stories are unoriginal. You’ve told the same stories for years and they’ve heard you say the same thing…. over and over again. You don’t know how to come up with something original. You think that everything has been done and your friends find your ideas boring.

Simple ways to beat writer’s block!
Images are really worth a thousand words. Lay down the cards in random order and write what you see is happening. This way you create stories that mean something to you and something you can relate to.

Dark images don’t mean dark stories.
Just because the images are dark, you don’t have to write a dark story. Imagine a love story or a coming-of-age story. Spur your own imagination rather than using other people’s ideas. Make your stories unique to you.