The Gallery of Nightmares: Lost
Book One
Now available!
Jonathan knew life would never be the same when he entered the Gallery of Nightmares. Inherited from his mother, the gallery flooded his sense of reality with mysterious shadow people and dark voices from creepy paintings. He thought he could handle it until he stepped into the Shadow Nook. In that room, he was transported to a world of nightmares and realized his problems had just begun.
Tales from the Shadow Nook
The Shadow Nook is a very special place in The Gallery of Nightmares. The Gallery chooses which artworks reside in the Shadow Nook, and the Gallery determines for how long they remain. It’s always a set of three paintings, however, that cohesively tell a story together. The story is then experienced by Jonathan, the Gallery’s curator, owner, and caretaker. Jonathan loves taking time to see what the Shadow Nook has for him… even if the stories may cause him actual pain.