All artworks within the Gallery of Nightmares website are copyright © Doug Hoppes, all rights reserved, unless otherwise specified. ShadowMyths is a registered trademark. The Gallery of Nightmares is pending trademark registration.
Sharing on Social Media
You may opt to share works on social media if the following criteria is met:
- Doug Hoppes/ShadowMyths is listed as the artist.
- You do not crop out any watermark and/or signature.
Tagging and/or link backs are not required, but are greatly appreciated!
- Facebook: ShadowMyths
- Instagram: @ShadowMyths
- Bluesky:
- Twitter: @ShadowMyths
- Website: or
Use on other websites
You may utilize artworks on other websites provided the following:
- Doug Hoppes/ShadowMyths is listed as the artist.
- A link back to the website and/or applicable social media is provided.
- You do not crop out any watermark and/or signature.
- Artwork is not used for profit or promotion of a for profit event.
- Artworks are not used in a negative/defamatory manner towards Doug Hoppes or anyone else. Information provided alongside artworks are, as far as you know, accurate and credible.
Example Acceptable Implementation & Credit

For Profit Examples
These are for profit examples for websites in which artwork is strictly not allowed to be used.
- For placement on any and all products without my explicit written permission, pay-on-demand site or otherwise. Amazon, Etsy, eBay, RedBubble, Society6, and others are included in this.
- To promote any movie, television show, documentary, website, blog, book, podcast, music, live stream, video game, comic book, app, product, or otherwise in which you may believe ShadowMyths artwork is a good “example” or representation of the content contained within without explicit written permission.
Use for AI (Artificial intelligence) training
You may not use ANY artwork in part or whole, in any way, for training or use within an artificial intelligence (AI) image generator or other forms of AI. Noimageai and noai directives are present in the header of this site, as well as robots.txt to help facilitate this.
Use as an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) & NFT Minting
Artworks may not be used in ANY way for NFT or minting of NFTs. Doug Hoppes/ShadowMyths has not, nor will ever, mint artwork as NFTs. Minting, listing, buying, or selling of ShadowMyths artwork as NFTs is strictly prohibited. Any NFT purchased with Doug Hoppes artwork or name attached is illegitimate and a violation of my copyright.
Use in Print
You may not use any artworks in digital or physical print for any purpose whatsoever without explicit written permission.
Use for Tattoos
You may not use any artworks for tattoo purposes without explicit written permission.
If you wish to use one or more of artworks to promote your product, book, video game, app, or something else, Doug allows for licensing agreements. Please contact Doug if you would like to license one or more artworks for any for profit purpose.
Strictly Forbidden Practices
Please do not engage in any of these practices:
- Crop out signature and/or watermark
- Claim Doug Hoppes/ShadowMyths work as your own
- Use artwork for character sheets and/or character reference sheets
- Add additional text, quotes, filters, or make other alterations to artworks
- Include artwork within collages or other artworks without explicit written permission
- Upload any of copyrighted artwork to free stock sites
- Upload any of copyrighted artwork to any art or artist websites
- Mint any NFTs of artworks
- Use artwork for any training or seed images for any sort of AI
If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Doug.